Wednesday, June 08, 2005

*Technical Difficulties*

*adorable picture of cat pulling out plug*

*Please stand by*

Saturday, June 04, 2005

It was the worst of times, it was the best of times

Bahahhahaha....Get your war on was actually funny.

"We interrupt this (awesome) cartoon for a Technical question:Why is it that our allies in Central Asian republics look TOTALLY FIENDISH when I convert their photos to black and white? Is Adobe Acrobat actually a BETTER JUDGE OF CHARACTER than President Bush?"

Umm, something about postmodernism and hyperspecialistation, etc, etc. Tired and cranky, I missed Glass House.

I have to buy a calculator. Hurrah. I am a bad person.

Rome is seriously the most awesome place ever. Crassus being so freakin' wealthy, Pompey being so freakin' gutsy (and law-breaking...and he serves(d) under the guy WHO MADE THE GODDAMN LAWS), Caesar being so freakin' militaristic (and lucky), Cicero being so freakin' conceited and generally awesome...The list goes on. The entire civil wars were dominated by pure human selfishness, nothing noble at all was going on. It's so cool.

The Histories in the HSC are so much fun! I cannae believe how awesome they are. Crazazy. I will sleep. Tschuss.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Baby you can drive my car (8)

Ah chaffeurs...Now I need a car.

Have not blogged in a while. I am lazy and unwillpowered. Buffy is funny/sexually wanting. She is such a sinner. Atleast I'm not a heathen.

I will work now.

Now, this, this is a goal.