Sunday, February 24, 2008

Beetroot dip motherfucker

Do you stock it?!

Surprisingly, not really. Strange, really, that one would only find such few choices of beetroot/beetroot-themed dip in the wonderful world that is the Western marketplace today.

Have taken a liking to dips and bread recently. I don't know what hasn't possessed me to do so till now. Crazy, n'est-ce pas?

I don't know whether that's grammatically correct. More to the point, I don't care.

That was one of the things I find seriously frustrating about learning other languages. Fundamentally, grammar structures can be seriously, seriously different (e.g. My name is example vs. I am(je, itself conjugated)) named/appended(m'appelle) example) and native speakers are completely used to it. What may sound strange is basically culturally conditioned.

In other words, lots of memorisation. Frustrating, nevertheless.

This was inspired by late-night SBS and kittens. In a french movie, obviously.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Breaking the law shouldn't be a crime.

Well, not all the time.

Or: A plausible defense against random fellatio on the street?

For you see, as per Shaw's riposte ("Do not do unto others as you would expect they should do unto you. Their tastes may not be the same.") to the golden rule, (of which there exist many formulations; the most trite being "He who has the gold, makes the rules" to the more conventional "do to others what you would have them do to you") a more holistic approach to the ethic of reciprocity is required.

A better approach may in fact involve doing unto others as you would think they would want done to them. This helps avoid the differing tastes problem, but yet it overlooks a crucial fact: the lack of easily obtainable information as regarding taste.

This is where the random fellatio on the street comes in (that was a terrible pun). I have it on highly, highly reputable sources that this problem is reaching epidemic proportions. It most likely is the single greatest threat to our productivity (working families) and the glorious new epoch under the RUDDVOLUTION (Party policy dictates it must always be in bold, and always in capitals. Because that is the nature of this change.)

Now, how best can we balance the ethical dilemma of allowing the freedom of random fellatio on the street, with the dangerous possibility of it spiralling out of control? Simple: Large enough data sets. I propose that their be a nationwide census of random fellation, in order to determine whether, we, as a nation, are prepared to abide and tolerate random strangers giving us oral sex. It will be a taxpayer-funded revolution of epic proportions.

And of course, the revolution will be televised.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

I'll get the plates out, cause you got served!

Yeah, we gotta drop these fools!


Advance wars: Dual Strike is freaking awesome. When somebody actually says owned in the game, awesome.

You know how the DS is basically full of jangly, fun pop? Dual Strike is that kickass exception. The music alone could be keep me going for days, not to mention the life-addicting gameplay. Lots of uptempo, dance-esque, surprisingly layered percussion, with scratches thrown in places for good measure. Atleast one other person agrees with me, as I'm downloading the torrent of the music of him/her as I write this. Hopefully, they'll agree with me for atleast the next 4 days, or however long the damn things takes to finish.

More to say on the DS itself, but I've got atleast a metric weeks of astonishment loaded on it currently, and my head is near asplosion point. So look out for that!