Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Yes, I also require giant robo-arms, in order to also build my giant fusion reactor.

Spiderman 2 is freaking hilarious. If you really like science, don't watch it, cause you'll be foaming at the mouth. If you like laughing at junk science (damn new-agers) Spiderman 2 is good for that.

Having a weeeeird, weeeeird, time. Sorta relaxed a bit more though. Thank god for that.

First time in a looong while I pulled a 4 hour night, fuck, I can cope far better than I thought I could. I am a sleepaholic is what I am. I've repaid all of that damn sleep debt and then some. Hoooray for dangerous behaviour.

Antonio Banderas covered in corn!

Chocolate...and Thom Yorke.

Glee! is for sale.


Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Ah. Zen.

I so very much love that book.

Blogging after some grueling, grueling General maths work. Man, that stuff is hard. Calculus holds nuthin' to General. Not a friggin candle.

We have to go to this place!

I await my communist overlord! All hail our Dear Leader! Min-taec, you have to come along. You're both an asset and a liability (hurrah for business terminology!...or not) though...I wanna hear that our grain production has surpassed quota ...AGAIN! (actually happens on the radio frequencies over there) Omg, how much do we rock under Juche!

And a word of warning, that site is possibly one of the most creepy/outlandish i've visited. Read about the DMZ wall (Get to it by going to Info menu, then reading about reunification. This is a surprising meaty site for propoganda purposes. And when I mean meaty, I mean the phony sort of ersatz meat that you would probably get served if you were actually IN Communist Russia. Go figure.) Utterly hilarious/freaky shit.


Sometimes a cigar is in fact just a cigar, even in the Soviet Union.

I am working! like a mule! who wants to be fed! and who did feed upon the trough of ramen! Delicious ramen. I have work to do, which I am sorely neglecting. That is not good. Understand?! Good, good.

YEAR 9 CLOWNING! *uses the word compere/s for known reason*

Yeah, in joke.

Tschuss tschuss!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...Or so you think! Muhahahahahahahahahha *fades in smoke* notice something about the exclamation points?! Thas right!

heheheheheh...oh wait, i'm still here *exit, stage upward*

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Heart Palpitating. Mouth tingling. Ear...hurting?

One my favourite fantasy books ever, which I have read A LOT of times, is being cast as a mini-series!!!

Here's to them NOT to fuck it up!

I have Spiderman 2 to watch! I gots it for frees! Yay for stupidity!

I had fun today. I did work today. It was good day. I have money! I don't know why! Whatever shall I do with it!

I search for The Corporation on Amazon.uk and I get...this.

And I quote:

"Darian Cane plays Eroticus, the leading general of Rome, one who achieves victory on the battlefield in her own special way, one that does not involve armor or weapons or even clothes. The emperor wants her to be the next leader of the Roman people, but the emperor's idiotic son assumes the throne after he sort of kills his father. He orders the death of Eroticus, but she defeats her would-be killers (who are, fortunately for her, female), and escapes only to be captured and taught the ways of lesbian gladiator fighting." Italics mine.


Monday, November 22, 2004

Nazis killed my parents, but I survived, thanks to my love of...ARCHITECTURE!

You: What's your reason for filching those Lifesavers!?
Me: I like Lifesavers?

Okay, lazy to do good post. So will talk in buzz/key words.

FEST! Back to blogging! Away from weird depression! Can be seen as good/bad! Work! Who needs sleep! Tentacles of Fire! More work! Jazz! Nice jazz! Moosic! Tired! MSN! Need Ideas! Decapitated rat head! Bitching! Yesness!


Friday, November 12, 2004

Everything is everything (8)

I'm in love with Pancakes on the Rocks.

sumptuous. Utterly freaking sumptuous. Difficulty breathing. Mmmmm, pancakes...next time, have actual pancakes.

Social promiscuity...I'm divided on it. Fake talk, fake laughter, fake touch, fake life...Though, logically, it makes perfect sense. Fake from whose perspective bitch?

Certain things have cropped up, which I think I can deal with. I'm working on a process of having near perfect control over myself; lying is just so easy. Willpower is that other interesting part. Nearly there.

Anyway, Piscourse needs a girlfriend. Night...^^

Monday, November 08, 2004

Yeah it's political



Thursday, November 04, 2004

So it begins

with the madness known as the HSC.

Bush won the elections. These are definitely going to be interesting times.

Chucking sardonically at Arrested Development, sighing softly at my tired body, reveling in the coolness of interesting people and rethinking my ideas about 4U.

Stuff is happening! woo! ouch. Night night.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Florida called by everyone but Fox.

Ohio the next Florida. Ohio DAMN close. Fox called it before everyone. Fox called probably Bush, after calling Ohio. CNBC called Ohio after Fox, took some time.

Nader will be hated in Iowa. Very few votes separating Bush and Kerry in Iowa.

Bush winning the popular vote handily.

Ohio horribly close. All except but CNN give Ohio to Bush. Shite. Bush got it.

269 electoral votes if Ohio won. Means Bush definitely in office. Nevada, Iowa, New Mexico could push it beyond the 269.

Good note, clean election! Very few accounts of voter fraud, oppression, challenges.

Fox News calling Kerry President. Fox news again, calling Ohio for Kerry, even when they say it's for Bush.

Small increased majority in Senate and Reps, though already held majority.

Bush won.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

And let the sun inside (8)

Watch the Lexus IF awards. Safran is hosting, and the word 'irreverent' was used in it's description.

Arrested Development ROCKS. Rocks to the chest, it is.

Some people just need to be backhanded. Others, not so much. and I like almonds. Elections! shizen. Tchuss