Wednesday, April 28, 2004

No no no no no no....but yes.

I've gone crazy happy.

Not good.

Had quite a good day today, nothing happened...Just a series of unfortunate events. I have to read that series. Lemony Snicket! *laughs at own idiocy*

Me, being the economist I am, have to bring myself down, or i'll bust in a big way. You know, booms and busts and all that shit...ah, what would you people know? *grumbles about all the people who don't know enough about economics and all that useless crap...cept crack and heroin!*


I'll use schoolwork to bring myself down or something. But yeah, it's all cool!

Ah!!! so much music bombarding me from all sides...Head imploding.

I had greek salad today! mmmm greek salad...

enough from me, go and listen to good music!

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

How could you?

How could you get me to listen to Black Eyed Peas?! HOW?!?!?

For example, They have this one song called Latin Girls (leaves a damn lot to the imagination, don't it?) and the song goes on for over 6 freaking minutes!!! What the hell!?!? I can barely stand 2...

You can only imagine what the rest of the album would be like.

School starts unpleasantly soon, I am screwed for it, but to use an oft-quoted word, meh.

And no, you don't sound too hollow. Maybe that's just the idealism speaking. How would I know?

Atleast I, Robot is being turned into a movie. But Will Smith as the star? Bleh, there had to be someone better for this.

Yeah, won't say anything more, bye all.

EDIT: Okay, I know that this is a bit too political of me, but this edited speech of Bush sounds very similar to Fitter Happier to me. Including the tone. Or is that just me?

Sunday, April 25, 2004

I finally laughed today, and it wasn't even at Dave Barry

It's really not that funny.

Oh God yes. Google just offered me Gmail!!! How amazingly sweet. How the fuck did this all happen?

I was feeling all crappy today, deciding to lie in bed and all, then suddenly laugh at aforementioned news article, then suddenly found out that i'm in Gmail, then Inu is getting this, and what the hell!?!?

Feeling much better now. Thank you Google.

P.S. the new email is Disregard previous email and send all email here. Thank you.

Use fabric to block holes where the wind blows in.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change, the courage to change the things I can, and wisdom always to tell the difference.

I think you're crazy, maybe
I think you're crazy, maybe

How is it that people don't truly understand the significance of everything that happens? Everything that exists?

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change, the courage to change the things I can, and wisdom always to tell the difference.

It's cold outside.

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Thom DOES dance like a wood elf.

A co-ordinated wood elf, too.

The concert was fucking amazing, the set list played wasn't too bad, twas a little short. Still far too fucking amazing. They sound checked for Let Down THREE times, and then decided not to play it...THREE! Why not just kill me now, bastards.

T-shirts were expensive as expected, but DAMN COOL, also as expected.

I can now start listening to Radiohead obsessively again, it's possibly the most fulfilling thing from this concert.

Had a blast, all of you should have one too. bYe bYe now.

Friday, April 23, 2004

Cause it's just another day, you will lose it anyway...

We would be together
Lovers forever
Care for each other

I LOVE Venus. It's one of those few truly romantic songs that actually move me. It's so...indescribably beautiful.

Air is just utter brilliance, in electronica form. God i'm so obsessed with it. And it feels so...perfect. Just perfect. I'm completely obsessed with it, but once I listen to it as an album once through, I don't need to listen to it again. It just feels so complete...This is one of those albums you HAVE to listen as an album though, I think.

This'll probably be a music heavy post, cause i'm feeling that way, and I can't be bothered to recount my day and all that. Ask me if you REALLY care.

Radiohead Concert! Oh god i've waited so long...It was so SCARY today. MTV, deciding to be smart for a change, puts on Fake Plastic Trees. WHY MUST YOU TEST ME SO GOD?!

so consequently, I had to go screaming from the room, AND miss the vid for Fake Plastic Trees. ARGH! *sigh* atleast the concert will be good.

It's late at night, i'm getting tired and I should go to sleep. Air ROCKS. Never forget that.

Lots more to say, can't be bothered to say it here, i'll tell you all personally or something. Bye everyone *waves*

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Kill Bill.

How fucking awesome is this movie!? Ultimate movie ever. Exudes class in every frame. Drop everything people, and make this your priority in life. If you have to choose between sex and Kill Bill, choose this. Your hand is always there. Unless it gets chopped off in a horrible bloody fashion.

Only quibble I have with this movie: eating toasteds and strawberry jam during it.

Had a wonderful day today, I quite like this. Hope everybody has days like this.

Bob, you're cool. That's all I need to say.

Your random WTF news story of the day.

Anyway, it's late at night, and I need to sleep. Take care all.

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Make up your own title.

Yes, I do feel like a bitch.

Day was good/bad, it's very tricky to say. I'm angry at myself for cheating, I should have been confronting issues rather than distracting myself. Too late now I guess. I need to talk to everyone, and I need more therapy.

I mean that. Unless someone can direct me to another therapist, Min-taec, one more session. I have a million things to talk about. I can't do it here, takes too long, and i'll always somehow leave out something crucial.

Coffee/tea was lovely, Brewhaha seems DAMN COOL, really surprised for that. The place is actually utterly brilliant. You missed a lot Min-taec.

And before I forget this, I think I finally realised why Bob is a champ. You fucking rock Bob. I can't emphasise that enough. I don't really care that this might make no sense or in general coherence, but Bob is fucking cool.

Dave Barry *gasp* being serious!

Though except for this bit.

Do you think you're getting funnier now that you're getting older, or do you think it's just funny that you're getting older?


Therapy to do, people to speak to, changes to make. So many different things, so many different people, so many different possibilities, both unpleasant and deliriously happy.

*great big sigh of whatever*

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Something a bit more relevant.

Now that i've contributed my share of making you all smarter and cultured and all that, i'll post what I would have normally posted.

I've been feeling increasingly spiritual over the past few weeks. I've started the whole deep questioning of beliefs agains, due to no small part of the fact that spirituality is started to be featured prominently in news again. Spirituality seems to be such an easy way out of things though. Think I've been away from psychology and science for too long.

The thing is, I believe that if you were to commit yourself to a spirituality, you have to do it whole-heartedly. I believe that being spiritual should actually affect the way you live, and would make a difference to your life.

I can never really commit myself, as natural psychology starts undercutting any beliefs I have. Though it is fun knowing like 5 different meditation techniques. Even if I don't use any of them :P

And Bjork is so cool! I love Hunter...It's so crazy fast and yet utterly brilliant. And no, I haven't listened to The Unicorns yet. I'm listening to all my music which I haven't listened to recently, so I don't end up with music I never listen to. And yet, I want to get more music.

And I think I've figured out more on the eating front. See, for most people, eating is a comforting experience. It's routine, simple and usually quite fulfilling. This is why that obesity is been linked to depression. People are stressed about something, consequently eat to comfort self, and this builds up. This also explains the existence of comfort foods.

That's how and why I have both eating problems AND comfort foods. At some point in my life, my mind decided that eating was an generally unpleasant experience, and so consequently eating doesn't actually comfort me; yet certain foods help me feel better. And min-taec, you evil fucker, you've got me addicted to toasteds and strawberry jam. I went insane yesterday, and refused to eat nothing but toasteds and strawberry jam.

What else is there to say. I need to talk to people, i've got school work which I have to START, and where the fuck are all the dreams coming from!? I might talk about that later.

From a sanity-deprived, semi-depressed and overly talkative person, bye.

I know i'm going to sued for this.

Considering how crappy i've been feeling all day, and with the whole emotional vulnerability thing showing, I found this, enormously FUNNY.

Here, reproduced below is one of Dave Barry's many amazingly funny columns. I could have sent the link, but the people at Miami Herald force you to register to read his stuff, so i'm putting this one up here as bait. I mean, introductory material. Dave Barry

Why can't they just lose the ring in the sink?


I finally saw the new Lord of the Rings movie, which is entitled Lord of the Rings II: A LOT More Stuff Happens. It's a tad on the long side (three days) but I am not complaining. My eyeballs were literally riveted to the screen, by literal rivets, from the moment I sat down until the moment I lost all sensation in my lower body.

Yes, this is a classic movie, the kind that makes you laugh; makes you cry; makes you wonder, over and over, if this would be a good time to go to the bathroom. Above all, it's a movie that makes you think about the issues raised by the plot, the main issue being: What the heck IS the plot?

I say this because it's a very complicated story, with numerous subplots and something like 11,000 major characters, most of whom have hard-to-remember names like ''Flagodirt'' or ''Grempkin.'' So today, as a service to all of you who were confused by this great movie, I present the following:


(Scene 1)

FRODO: Darn! I still have this darned ring that I got in the first movie!

SAMWISE: The ring with the terrible power that causes everyone who comes near it to over-act?

FRODO: Yes! And to destroy it, we must walk, slowly, in real time, all the way across New Zealand!

SAMWISE: But who will guide us?

FRODO: How about a reptilian computer-generated creature with a bad comb-over?

SAMWISE: Dick Cheney's in this movie?

GOLLUM: Very funny, Hobbitt-breath.

(Scene 2:)

LORD ARAGORN: Well, my two trusty companions -- Legolas, the Strangely Tall Elf; and Gimli, the Comic Relief Dwarf -- in our subplot, we are pursuing Merry and Pippin, who have been captured by Orcs, and now we find ourselves in the Kingdom of Rohan, ruled by King Theoden, whose niece, Eowyn, will become my second love interest once the king is released from the spell cast by his trusted counselor, Grima Wormtongue, who is secretly in league with the evil wizard Saruman!

LEGOLAS: I have no idea what you're talking about.

LORD ARAGORN: Me either. I'm just reading the script.

GIMLI: Well, I'm really short!


LORD ARAGORN: But enough explanatory dialogue. It's time for one of the estimated 17 big sword-clanging battles we have in this movie with hideous computer-generated monsters who always outnumber us by the thousands, although we defeat them every time, because we are courageous heroes!

LEGOLAS: Also, they have the hand-to-hand-combat skills of alfalfa.

MONSTERS: Arrrrrr.


(Scene 3:)

MERRY: Well, Pippin, we escaped the Orcs, and now we are being carried around by talking trees!

PIPPIN: Apparently, the audience will swallow anything!

TREE: It gets worse! Later on, we engage in branch-to-hand combat! (Scene 4)



FRODO: How come, if I'm the protagonist, Lord Aragorn has TWO love interests, and I'm stuck in a subplot with Dick Cheney?

GOLLUM: Maybe it's because your big hairy feet make you look like you're wearing a pair of dead weasels.

(Scene 6)

LORD ARAGORN: Well, Legolas and Gimli, with the help of Gandalf the White, formerly Gandalf the Grey, also known as Gandalf the Beige, we have defeated the Uruk-hai in a giant computer-generated battle. Now we must make haste to the Really Big Rock of Karambador, before the forces of Ba'Zoot, led by the evil King Weltpimple, conquer the Mullions of Gneep and obtain the Remote Control Unit of Doom!

LEGOLAS: Now you're just making stuff up.

LORD ARAGORN: Well, it's not as stupid as the kung-fu trees.

GIMLI: I'm still short!


(Scene 7)

FRODO: UH-oh! The movie is over, and I still have this darned ring! Do you realize what that means?

SAMWISE: That ''Weasel Feet'' would be a good name for a rock band?

FRODO: Yes, as would ''Kung Fu Trees'' and ''Combat Alfalfa.'' But my point is that the forces of Evil have been let loose upon the land, which means soon there will be...

SAMWISE: No! Not that!

FRODO: Yes. Another sequel.

MONSTERS: Arrrrrr.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Had to post this.

I just heard this from Inu, two of you should know her, and the other I plan to tell/introduce, and had to post this:

'You're a violet crumble blonde. You're only blonde on the inside.'


And if you don't think it was funny, twas funny at the time, alright.

And with me trying to get rid of the whole repression thing, I'm actually being open with her. Not much, but it's a start. It's also starting to creep me out. A fucking lot. I'll explain this a bit more later.

Can't really say anything.

So I probably won't.

It's been a fucked-up day, though nothing happened. It looks like nothing is going to get better soon, though I'm not sure. Infinity sure is a big number...

Maybe it's just the lack of pills talking. Either way, bye.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

A few things.

I'm going to need a therapist.

No, I mean it, I'm going to need a real therapist soon. Min-taec isn't there all the time, and i'm being completely unfair to him. Though...*sigh* upleasant decision I just had to make. I have to study psychology again. Good not.

I have a few things that I have to work out, or I won't like the effects of leaving them alone.

Why am I feeling so indifferent to death nowadays? it's weird. If I were to die right now, I wouldn't care. I really wouldn't care. I have this feeling that if someone or something were to kill me, I wouldn't bother resisting. Does this mean anything?

Anyway, it was a good day. Memento was good, sorta, you know what I mean. I...enjoyed myself today. That could probably be the best way to put it. I think.

Cats teach us that not everything in nature has to have a function.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

A requiem for a dream.

Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup,
They slither while they pass, they slip away across the universe
Pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my open mind,
Possessing and caressing me.

Images of broken light which dance before me like a million eyes,
That call me on and on across the universe,
Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box they
Tumble blindly as they make their way
Across the universe

Sounds of laughter shades of earth are ringing
Through my open views inviting and inciting me
Limitless undying love which shines around me like a
Million suns, it calls me on and on
Across the universe

Nothing's gonna change my world,
Nothing's gonna change my world....

Best fucking lines ever. Sorry for being such an angst whore, though by now, i'm sure that doesn't really mean anything.

I have absolutely no fucking idea on what to do. Fuck, I have to COMMIT to something, anything, god dammit.

Did you know you can get so tired that the muscles that control your eyes can be too weak to hold your eyes still, so the world seems to vibrating ever so gently...

Feeling a little too indecisive to talk right now, i'll try my best later. Night all.

Saturday, April 10, 2004

When the day is long and the night, the night is yours alone,
When you're sure you've had enough of this life, well hang on.
Don't let yourself go, everybody cries and everybody hurts sometimes.

Sometimes everything is wrong. Now it's time to sing along.
When your day is night alone, (hold on, hold on)
If you feel like letting go, (hold on)
When you think you've had too much of this life, well hang on.

Everybody hurts. Take comfort in your friends.
Everybody hurts. Don't throw your hand. Oh, no. Don't throw your hand.
If you feel like you're alone, no, no, no, you are not alone

If you're on your own in this life, the days and nights are long,
When you think you've had too much of this life to hang on.

Well, everybody hurts sometimes,
Everybody cries. And everybody hurts sometimes.
And everybody hurts sometimes. So, hold on, hold on.
Hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on.
(Everybody hurts. You are not alone.)

Ah memories.

At best, you can have a love-hate relationship with them, as i've been finding out.

Watched DVD of Tropfest, I didn't feel too bad during the thing, almost happy. Haven't really been able to sleep all that well, but it's alright. Want to see what Jareds' new house looks like, it's always useful knowing a rich person.

Having a few too many arguments with family, it's really starting to bug me. Just something I guess.


I feel all stupid now. Bye everyone.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

That was ungood.

No, not revisiting Orwell.

Camp was not really good, i'm not really well.

Not going to say too much right now, as I've got these irrational masochistic/suicidal urges right now, and i'm going to either try and distract myself or just sit and try not to do something very stupid. I shouldn't really be at my house right now, as it's not really my ideal place when i'm like this, but I don't really have a choice.

Atleast I have minties Tropfest DVD to watch, and Grandaddy is coming to Australia, so that's something to look forward to.

A little tired, a little confused and a little sad. Hope everyone has fun in whatever. Bye.

Monday, April 05, 2004

Oh fine.

I'm up late at night, listening to good music (Interpol and Franz Ferdinand) and kinda sitting around not going to sleep.

I have packed, it didn't take as long as I thought, but it still took a while.

*sigh* sorry about such a bitch yesterday. I'm angry at myself for a few things, and i'm needlessly taking out at my anger on other people. Atleast I know I can sort of rely on some people.

The cynicism and sardonism has worn off, now i'm just depressed. I should go for comfort foods, but I only tend to do that when i'm feeling all cynical.

Hope you enjoyed whatever you've had so far. Bye.

Saturday, April 03, 2004

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Oh god damn it.

Why does when I begin to have even a half-decent day, something comes along to screw it up?

Just lost it, and ended up arguing with my parents, i'm blowing off some steam here. Been a little too stressed for my liking for the past few days. It's suprising how optimistic some people can be these days. Myself included.

Bah. Just annoyed. Don't worry about it. Night.