Tuesday, June 27, 2006

It's interesting, yo!

Ebay behaviour.

I'm reading it, and it corresponds to so many things I do. I'm a casual ebayer, it's really interesting! Game theory (Hi-larious) proves that both sniping and non-sniping behaviour is rational; some people look at ebay with a view of getting the item, some people look at it in terms of economic behaviour (minimising consumer surplus, budget constraints, irrational behaviour), where people pay the maximum price for a product they're willing to pay, some a combination...It's all very trippy.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Secondhand, from the World Cup

Apparently, Friedrich has his own cookbook.

"I can't comment on Friedrich's cookbook, you'll have to go find that out for yourself...Ballack, though, does have a recipe for forward play...That he's concocted"

Goddamn commentators...

This can only end well.

Friday, June 23, 2006

We are Gerling, from the planet...Gerling.

Are they Ninja though?

I dunno, maybe. Why ask me? Ask this guy.

"I have to stop zombie Tupac from releasing another album from beyond the grave."

I managed to stay up 36 hours! And then I slept. A lot. I'm so whiny! Make it stop.

I finished this game! Don't laugh, it is surprising difficult towards the end. Sleep deprivation gets so...confusing. You seriously can't tell whether you're hungry or not. Confusing as shit.

There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
-- George Bernard Shaw

Thursday, June 22, 2006

That's a horse.

*Margaret talking about Fast and the Furious*
"...And it also has a gorgeous Mustang."
"A Mustang's a horse."

David wins!

Why is Portugal's b-side thrashing Mexico? Ridiculous.

No goddamn milk. Grrr. I can't live off Coke people. Well, I could, if it were the fine white powdery kind, and I could mix it in my milk. And no fucking malt either. I'm looking at you, Milo.

Exams: Meh.

I used to be so much smarter! Man, what the fuck happened? I blame everyone else for this. Everyone else. I believe I am a font of unchanging perfection that you all fucked up. Everyone else. I have to go now, and drown my sorrows (re)playing Super Mario RPG. And maybe a little FF. Night.

Monday, June 12, 2006

I made the Leader Board.


I don't think you understand.




Granted, it was the weekly, but i'm freaking close to making the monthly, and then you get the women!

In addition, less relevance to me, but Australia won. I am flabbergasted. Granted, the first thing I do is look at the HSX stocks, and predictably, Australia shoots up, Japan sinks. But my god, I am speechless.

What the fuck happened?

It just...fell. Collapsed. Crumbled. Crapped out.

History, however trivial, was made.


The parties will be rather phenomal I assume. I have to study. Night.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Love isn't...

having to be told twice, and why the hell is there mayonnaise on my sandwich woman?!

Much too many people encourage my behaviour. It is detrimental to all.

Amusing though.

I figured out a theory that basically states the more dysfunctional the family, the more extreme and bananas you're going to be. Case in point: white people. Families, much too stable. Resulting effect: the damn white kids from our school, more specifically, the white group that invites me to their parties, despite being barely, if tangentially related to them. Obviously, exceptions exist.

But not you.

It's nice that someone I know is discouraging me from pursuing my studies. Everyone else is all hardworking and go to lectures and mandatory shite. So annoy-ing.

Gah, i've met this kinda cool/nice guy, and I really would like to keep in touch with him further, as he kinda tries to keep in touch with me and actually talk to me and such, I feel really bad for being such a slacker to him. Goddamn it I suck.

I've been such a slutbag recently. I never actually thought that word could be used in a literal descriptive sense, but it's highly apt here. Highly. I let a guy borrow my only pen, only because he was kinda cute. He didn't even use it! (granted, neither would I, in that class. If I ever write anything down in that class, it's pencil anyway.) He was drawing with it. His drawings were pretty cool. He drew good birds. Then, I saw the random guy who I think I was about a phone call away from eye-raping last week like three times today. In class, outside library AND walking to station. He even noticed. That was goddamn crazy.

So tired. Feel asleep twice in Philo lecture. Topic: moderately dull. Lecturer: intelligent, but dull. Combine to make: insomnia cure! Yatta! Gah. Feh.

Economics, while a pack of lies, was kinda fun today. I actually prefer the economics of the firm over the economics of the market. It's actually easier to calculate. Cept for price discriminating firms. That thing is fucked. But you can't anyway, thanks to the Trade Practices Act 1974, with amendments. Which I saw today! I was sooooo impressed. I don't even know whether the guy went to sydney uni, but he had Miller's Annotated Trade Practices Act with him!! I was all, ZOMG.

I kid you not. Was actually impressed and excited.

I kinda sorta forgot how much time lectures and stuff actually takes up. It's a significant chunk of time! Considering the number of extra-curricular activities I do at Uni (okay, it's like 4) I completely forgot how much time this all takes. Insane.

My degree is fine! Yayyyy. I talked to the peoples, and surprisingly, got it done quite easily. Can't quite believe that day though. I somehow lost 4 hours just talking to randoms and such. Madness. I'm in! However, I would have rather preferred to have the guy teaching me stats now to continue. He seems much better than what i've heard about ECMT. Unfortunately, the student body doesn't think so.


Courtesy of Bash.

Come to Ozhadou! You know who you are.

Longish post, I haven't really done a longish post in a while. Take it as you will. Night.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Are polymaths sexy?

I find them that way.

And Fox lies.

The giga-corp, not the person. Though I don't know...

I've been meaning to use the prefix giga for a while now, especially somewhere outlandish like that. Though it's not really.

You know, outlandish.

Though I am very happy now. No more crazy loose ends. Those tear at me already, and spoil the fabric.


Wedding Crashers was on. It seems alright. The cold slows me down. It seriously is cold though. It's more than a little uncomfortable, and rather odd.


Must want get Oliver into pants. God fucking damn, I can't believe i've developed a new crush. But he is AWESOME.

Too much caps. Caps. Too much. Too much.

But jesus, cannot underestimate the coolness of this kid. He's got this cute, adorable nerdy-geeky thing about him, and he is an ridiculous obsessive about movies. I've been all lazy and lacking attention span for the moviedom recently; he's got me all pumped up about wanting to watch movies again. I mean, I don't even know now that I really want to watch movies because I enjoy them; I might be doing it just to impress Oliver. But's it's weird and cyclic and self-reinforcing.

The point remains: Must-get-Oliver-into-pants.

In retrospect, really good day. It started pooorly, I went drinking when I really didn't want to, I was tired, and had a 9 o'clock start. In lecture, I learnt I was a slutty mcslut slut. I was checking this random guy who was sitting next to me; I think I kinda weirded him out...or aroused. No, just freaked out. Damn.

I went ten minutes though without eye-raping someone! I was really good.

It was funny, cause every little thing made me feel all sad and whiny. Like I was opening this door, and you had to push, not pull, and I tried pulling, and it didn't work, and I felt all sad. Then I opened the door.

I also saw liquid nitrogen craziness. It was quite cool; the guy was both handling liquid nitrogen AND doing a crossword. He knew a lot; it was impressive.

Call me Trent.

"Hey Trent!"
"Hey. Wassup?"

But it made better though. $3 dollar pizza was nice, mahjong!, and the rest of the night was fantastic. Hella fantastic. Evil dead 2 was so...positive adjective; double take was brilliant! I still sorta regret not going drinking with that Des. So much fun.

Talking with Oliver has made all pumped and happy and hormonal. Man my stats lecturer freaked me out like that. I felt so bad.

"Hey Trent!"
"Hey man."

(Actual name was Jackson)

Bah. Hormones are bad. It's what women and other sub-classes get. Hormonal energy isn't real energy. Goddamn it. Wiki-riffic! Films good. Watch. All. Now.

...P.S. Oliver is mine.