Friday, September 26, 2008

Many many things (including bad music)

I'm in this interweb cafe in the city, owing to my shitty shitty interblag connection currently at home. It's nifty, in that it's self-pay, you create an account (that's disposable if you wish) that you can effectively carry around with you with like-branded internet cafes. Also has reasonable rates: two dollars an hour, which drops to one-fiddy, if you bulk buy. And as the credit carries, it gives a good incentive to bulk buy. Intriguing.

One peeve: I can't play Dota, because of CD-Key conflicts. They need to better manage their permissions. This may be a good thing.

This (distressingly) is a surprisingly accurate account of the economy, and my freakouts over it. And this for an explanation, if a little long. And it's these guys that are entirely responsible for it:


Sunday, September 14, 2008

We (you) are just too good

This is what happens when evolution isn't smart, which is always. Unlike the hand of the one true Lord, FSM. 

I'm more or less convinced that whatever is recorded in human history is more or less long strings of paredolia and apophenia, with some postdiction thrown in there for 'good' measure. Which brings me to my main point:

Michael Drosnin is a douchebag

I've just bumped up the pagerank (albeit infinitesimally) for his wiki article for the keyword 'douchebag', though they are many a candidate competing for that position. 

Monday, September 08, 2008

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Free lunch! Wheee!

Don't read too much into this; I may do an expanded post more fully exploring the implications of this. But this is food for thought, so to speak:

If I could loan out my physical books without giving up possession of them, I would. The fact that I can do so with digital files is not a bug, it's a feature, and a damned fine one. It's embarrassing to see all these writers and musicians and artists bemoaning the fact that art just got this wicked new feature: the ability to be shared without losing access to it in the first place. It's like watching restaurant owners crying down their shirts about the new free lunch machine that's feeding the world's starving people because it'll force them to reconsider their business-models. Yes, that's gonna be tricky, but let's not lose sight of the main attraction: free lunches!

Universal access to human knowledge is in our grasp, for the first time in the history of the world. This is not a bad thing.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

I have learned To spell hors d'oeuvres Which still grates on Some people's n'oeuvres


There's been a lot of brouhaha about the choice of Palin as VP nominee on the Republican ticket, and atleast some of this comes from concerns surrouding McCains' health. In addition to his somewhat 'statured' age (72), his tortuous and brutal treatment at the Hanoi Hilton (he can't lift his arms above his head; all those victory-cheer shots of him lifting his hands above head are done by his wife holding his hand and raising them for him) McCain has had a history of melanomal skin cancer, and in 2000 underwent an operation for that condition that left a noticeable mark on his face. 

All of this plays into the secret hope that McCain could shuffle off his mortal coil sometime during the next four years; or at the very least, have a recurrence of cancer or something serious enough to warrant the 'abdication' of his presidency. Schadenfreude has broken out.

However, even if mooseburger lady were to come into the top job at the Oval Office, she would have a tough time at the post. Simply put, she'd be a lame duck. She would have absolutely no credibility, and possibly even less power. The Dems will most likely control atleast one, if not both houses of Congress, and won't listen to her; and the Republicans (at the best of times) haven't been a women-friendly party. 

Unless we have some kind of October surprise where Palin bares her teeth and proves that she could use bully pulpit (emphasis 'bully') of the presidency, it's probably safe to say her (theoretical) presidency would likely be a deadlocked one.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Things are heatin' up

McCain picks his VP. Incredibly good political move.

Plus, she's a VPILF to boot.

Also, i'm writing this down and checkin' it twice, as to make a record; if McCain does infact win the election, you have to join Facebook. You know who.