Saturday, February 03, 2007

There probably is a 95 theses for gaming

I wish I were there.

It's three-thirty in the morn, i'm mildly unable to sleep, and so here I am, trying to hunt down games.

I game way too hard. I regard gaming not just as a divergent pastime; it is an activity unto itself. It has as much meaning and substance as reading or doing something 'productive' does for me. It's fuckin' great.

I'm downloading some oldskool stuff I remember, now that I have space and junk. I've been fiddling around with my computer a bit, and I'm all gumptioned up. I haven't been doing anything major, just moving optical drives and hard drives, but it feels really good. Mistakes made: remove all optical media from optical drives. Don't repeat this mistake. Twice.

Remember Theme Hospital? I played the game a lot, and got very far, when it suddenly started glitching on me. Strange stuff like doctors stuck in doors, and floating rooms. Was deeply sad. So i'm downloading it now! It's finished. My predeliction for oldskool has just started.

Penny Arcade introduced me to this rather addictive game. It does not help there is only one seed. I is sad. Hopefully that person will stay in seed for atleast another 5 hours. Eww. Seed.

There was a random doco on SBS about porn stars. It looked kinda interesting.

Free moofie tomorrow! I am totally going. They've had that program for years and i've never taken advantage of it. What would the economist think of me? Shame probably. Ironic shame.

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