Thursday, May 31, 2007

This is becoming a speech.

"You're the Captain sir. You're entitled."

"Hmm. Not entitled to ramble on about something everyone knows."

Oh Picard. Thou art most quaint. How you warm my mind...and on a good day (A VERY GOOD DAY) my loins.

Not really. Mental loins perhaps?

Animals have ruined anatomy for me.

Books. Are. Good. Librarians are nice. Nice lady complimentated me on White Teeth. Which is fucking great by the way. Got her history down pat, her science down pat, her immigents...Very Very Impressive. I'm tempted to go buy it. If only I had some money...

...Because I spent it! I have a spare ticket to teh Shins now! So tell your neighbours. Tell your parents! Tell your friends! Tell Superman.

Because he is the one true lord. Explain that, Darwin.

Or should I say, Charlatwin?!

Eh it's cold. I'm just warming up. I'm always warming up! What's wrong with me!?

It's been a while since I wrote something on this!! My oh my. Mostly because my capped internet. Popped a cap right in its knee. Crippled. Like my idiot brother. Well, that's not entirely true. The tests were inconclusive. Cap lifts tonight! Huzzah! I require study of sorts. I need to hang around people who are much smarter than me. Osmosis to the rescue...But not Osmosis Jones. Bill Muwway for the win though.

Witness this remarkable act of substitution. Acccidently ciphers much!?

erll, i'm ogg yo trsf snf dlrrp
well, i'm off to read and sleep
looks like you need all the dlrrp you can get.


Bronsai Watkins said...

omg! charlatwin! that is the best argument against darwin yet. if viscious silly-names can be classed as arguments. which they certainly can.

Anonymous said... picassohead is awesome. why have i not seen that link before?!

although...both my faces ended up looking like overdone transvestites at the end.

what does that mean?!