Saturday, April 05, 2008

Shit be going down in Harare, Sir

Good news!

Mugabe (and his party, more accurately) recently lost control of Zimbabwe's parliament, ceding control to the MDC. Huzzah! Now, i'm not one to get theological on you, but may he rot in Hell. Depressingly odious man.

In other news, my philosophy of law lecturer (The awesome Rick Benitez, or rb, for short [NB: his abbreviation, not mine]) actually used the word theosophical in class! Properly, even! The heart sings.


cherryshine said...

awww, what?! you have benitez?! he is REALLY awesome. we had him last week. i'd like to say that you missed him, but you have him for philaw. he would be great to have ALL THE TIME. who needs "well-shaped-for-her-age boobies" when you can have someone SO COOL.

Wojit said...

Ha! I have located your blog via a ridiculously circuitous route!

And to make this comment at all related to your post, I will recount my favourite Benitez anecdote:

Once, coming out of my Philosophy of Law tutorial, he approached me and said "You're Brendan, right?" to which I replied "Yes, you're Rick, right?"

He gave me a very awkward look.

Aaah, good times.