Wednesday, July 23, 2008

If you have a lot of these running as a flipbook

Cameraphone!? Paging Dr. Dali...

I wish I was this happy when eating strawberries. Also: TORTOISE!

Hot velocipedal action

'Cause fuck unicycles.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

It's a brand new day

Not what you're thinking

Joss Whedon new project!! Go watch now, because it's gone after 20th midnight of this month. Read the master plan too.

Also amusing: ads from the 30s. The last one is super great, especially if you enjoy fancy calligraphy/promiscuity/'being everyone's pal'.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Shamelessly cribbing off the best

Standing on the shoulders of giants, I prefer to call it. Or atleast crouching at their knees.

Exceeding moment of hilarity! Ran across this video today. While the advertisement itself isn't particularly great (it's about beer and soccer and cross-dressing or some such crap), the comments are priceless:

Headcrabb (4 hours ago)  
What the hell do you mean fake?

Its not a real commercial? 

Bittermanscolon (7 hours ago)  
of course it's fake, it's a COMMERCIAL! Fuck sakes. 

manupdude1 (7 hours ago)  

Quick addendum:


Friday, July 11, 2008

You're not very funny

That's just because you're not very smart

Pejoratives everywhere I look!

I know I shouldn't, I know I shouldn't, but Moonlight is just too damn nice a sonata for me to ignore like that. I realise that the first movement is just three fucking keys played over and over but c'mon! Guilty pleasures of Beethoven I suppose. I am resigned and doomed to a world of Cyndi Lauper and Aqua. Of the classical world.

Shit to do sirs! Have to change my units, unpack stuff, clean up room, wash things, go shopping for a few useful things, start eating again (seriously, what is up with this shit), install some flavour of Linux (shed the yoke of Windows, fellow technologists! Arise from ye inertive slumbers to don the mantle of freedom that is Open Source!...Ahem. For more, this.) and learn more about the Rhaeto-Romance family of languages. That last one, maybe not so much. YAYYYYY WEST WING

And to all you Mac users, fuck y'all.

Now playing: 1. Adagio sostenuto - Moonlight Sonata