Saturday, June 06, 2009

We're just gonna have to taxi around till we find a gate

God that is irritating.

Hey guys! Sorry for teh lack of updation, i've had intermittent access to the interwebs while i've been here. I actually have a huge post that i've written regarding flights and L.A. and what i've done and all that crap, but have noticed that i've loaded it down with way too much minutae. I need to edit, but I can't as i'm just about to leave for Philly!

A tasty tasty morsel of things to come:

On my flight from L.A. to Newark, near landing, flight attendant perks up:

"If you look out to your left, you will see the skyline of New York City. And if you look out to your extreme right, you will see absolutely nothing."

Blog soon I promise!

1 comment:

B. said...

Shame on you for not packing me in your suitcase boy! Hope you're having wild times. To my left I see a bed beckoning me to try and overcome mild insomnia, to my right I see piles and piles of schoolwork that I should be doing currently. Straight ahead I see procrasination! And when I turn around I see like walls and books and a stereo and stuff. Okay I now commission you to make an imax experience out of my life. Bodhi: 360 degrees. Your time starts... now!