Saturday, February 02, 2008

I'll get the plates out, cause you got served!

Yeah, we gotta drop these fools!


Advance wars: Dual Strike is freaking awesome. When somebody actually says owned in the game, awesome.

You know how the DS is basically full of jangly, fun pop? Dual Strike is that kickass exception. The music alone could be keep me going for days, not to mention the life-addicting gameplay. Lots of uptempo, dance-esque, surprisingly layered percussion, with scratches thrown in places for good measure. Atleast one other person agrees with me, as I'm downloading the torrent of the music of him/her as I write this. Hopefully, they'll agree with me for atleast the next 4 days, or however long the damn things takes to finish.

More to say on the DS itself, but I've got atleast a metric weeks of astonishment loaded on it currently, and my head is near asplosion point. So look out for that!

1 comment:

cherryshine said...