Sunday, June 08, 2008

But...But...I loved Caribbean Monk Seals!

So stop it! Stop with the dying!

If you didn't know: From the 6th of June 2008, they have been officially extinct.

So I is sad :(

Sad, and ornery, because people think stupid things sometimes. Terrible, terrible reasoning. I mean, i'm a pretty reasonable guy and all that, but seriously, when people use really terrible reasoning, I get all ornery like. Like a...orner. Or something like that. 

"A gay man has no need for women."
"Actually, that's not true. He needs them more than anyone else, for it reminds him what he misses, and thus strengthens his resolve."


cherryshine said...

cantankerous is a better word than ornery...just sayin'

rishimon said...

Cantankerous is too classy and heavy. It's what you would use to describe an ornery person.

Ornery is what an ornery person would use to describe themselves e.g. I am ornery that you used the word cantankerous.

Still, good words both.