Sunday, January 04, 2009

Sexual or otherwise

Union forever motherfuckers

Bad, dreamy juju. I went fishing, and the cold and the beer didn't keep me there. I like the sitting around drinking beer thing than the casting out and catching, stabbing, scaling, gutting a fish thing. I gots me a fish. Too small though. The other fish we caught though was delicious. Really, really good, soft and tender with that sweet saltwater tang. The crabs were...unusual, to say the least.

This isn't how I want to be writing, and strictly speaking, not what I want to be writing about. But this heavy fuckin juju is weirdin' shit up. Skip the forbearance and skip the forboding, and fucking definitely skip this short choppy descriptive sentence bullsheet. It's certainly an unusual way to try and cut out a path of neutrality through this thicket. Which is really a strange way of looking at things in the first place.

I've been reading Don Delillo! I'll write a solid review when I finish his shiznit, which suffice to say, seems to be pranksterish to the extreme. There's just so many ways to analyse his shit, it just becomes static, white noise. He's smart, somewhere.

1 comment:

Matt said...

You will give me your Delillo and you will give it to me now, you hear? Just so we're clear on this. I desire it. I must have it. :P:)

(also, will reply to yr fb when the internet's not so retarded that I can't actually view it in it's original context.:/ )