Thursday, September 16, 2004

w00t! to the power of w00t!

That's a little maths humour there for you maths folk.

Ok let's play a game where you ask me which substance i'm on, and I scream loudly, and then you ask why I screamed loudly, and to respond I scream back louder!

I love that game!

Have a bitchin' time. I finished a game which I had been meaning to finish for a while, under my new must finish crap i've started policy. I just borrowed four movies which i've harassed, that's right, been harassed to see, with those four being Amelie, Millers Crossing, Ghost in the Shell and American Beauty. I come home and find that it's time for my brother to do one of those cool things that he just seems to do, which means he's got a bootlegged DVD of Shrek 2. I fuckin' loooooove communism. I know that has nothing to do with Shrek, but hell. Thought I should mention it here.

Muhahahahaha! The video store will rue the day they gave me a rent one, get one free card! *more evil laughter*

As i'm typing this up and getting ready to snuggle up for some animated fun, I think to myself, damn it, if only I had some ramen or some icecream for this situation. Aw hell, any sort of weird food. Then I remembered that I bought chocolate wafers from the asian grocery! WOOOOOO!

What a odd coincidence. I usually feel really shitty on the day that I have an Ancient History exam, but it's always turned out to be like super-incredibly good. So awesome.

Giving blood in little under 14 and a half hours, then going to go see lesbian sex under the guise of Mulholland Drive, and then going to enjoy having a four day weekend. How much more rockin' can this get?!

Yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay...

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