Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Florida called by everyone but Fox.

Ohio the next Florida. Ohio DAMN close. Fox called it before everyone. Fox called probably Bush, after calling Ohio. CNBC called Ohio after Fox, took some time.

Nader will be hated in Iowa. Very few votes separating Bush and Kerry in Iowa.

Bush winning the popular vote handily.

Ohio horribly close. All except but CNN give Ohio to Bush. Shite. Bush got it.

269 electoral votes if Ohio won. Means Bush definitely in office. Nevada, Iowa, New Mexico could push it beyond the 269.

Good note, clean election! Very few accounts of voter fraud, oppression, challenges.

Fox News calling Kerry President. Fox news again, calling Ohio for Kerry, even when they say it's for Bush.

Small increased majority in Senate and Reps, though already held majority.

Bush won.

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