Thursday, February 23, 2006


Because you're worth it.

I think enough people have heard this, but if anyone (I mean, ANYONE. You're on notice, Dalai Lama) calls me selfish for not having children or not wanting to have children, I will physically hurt you until you recant. I am deadly serious.


Man, having kids must suck. You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't.

You can't take the decision lightly; if you do, you are callous to the extreme, and shouldn't be allowed to breed. And yet, how much ever care you take, it's pointless. That caring will most likely end up manifesting as projection: insert countless, countless numbers of parents who treat their children like trophies. Are people that scared about their mortality?

The thing that really irks me about the parent situation is how they take responsibility for their children's actions. 'Hey my kid turned out well, I must be a good parent.' Or vice versa. (I'm not even going to talk about the definitions of well. Cause you know, a deeply unsatisfied investment banker with a six figure salary and an unhappy marriage, that's well.)

Bullshit. How your child turns out is more about luck than anything else. Hopefully your kids falls/discovers/imagines the right crowd and comes out a better person. The best you can do is influence. And this business of instilling values when they're younger is again, bullshit. You can try. That's it. If your kids didn't satisfy your expectations, too bad. If they did, you got lucky. That's it.

It's very chaos theory, but in the modern world, that's what you're going to get. I should become a marriage counselor. You would atleast have a few less kids in the world, and more physically scarred parents. Emotional scarring, been done. Physical scarring is so much cooler.

Besides, chicks dig scars.

The. soundtrack. to. Chrono. Trigger. is.


There are tracks here which I want you to play at my funeral. I will notarise this in writing if anyone wants. They're that sad.

I haven't heard such complex arrangements in a while. Counterpoints? Harmonies? Single piano notes at exactly the right poignant moments? Xylophone solos!?

The crazy synths nearly gave me a heart attack. They're in stereo!

I will stop raving. Night.

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