Thursday, June 22, 2006

That's a horse.

*Margaret talking about Fast and the Furious*
"...And it also has a gorgeous Mustang."
"A Mustang's a horse."

David wins!

Why is Portugal's b-side thrashing Mexico? Ridiculous.

No goddamn milk. Grrr. I can't live off Coke people. Well, I could, if it were the fine white powdery kind, and I could mix it in my milk. And no fucking malt either. I'm looking at you, Milo.

Exams: Meh.

I used to be so much smarter! Man, what the fuck happened? I blame everyone else for this. Everyone else. I believe I am a font of unchanging perfection that you all fucked up. Everyone else. I have to go now, and drown my sorrows (re)playing Super Mario RPG. And maybe a little FF. Night.

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