Thursday, June 08, 2006

Love isn't...

having to be told twice, and why the hell is there mayonnaise on my sandwich woman?!

Much too many people encourage my behaviour. It is detrimental to all.

Amusing though.

I figured out a theory that basically states the more dysfunctional the family, the more extreme and bananas you're going to be. Case in point: white people. Families, much too stable. Resulting effect: the damn white kids from our school, more specifically, the white group that invites me to their parties, despite being barely, if tangentially related to them. Obviously, exceptions exist.

But not you.

It's nice that someone I know is discouraging me from pursuing my studies. Everyone else is all hardworking and go to lectures and mandatory shite. So annoy-ing.

Gah, i've met this kinda cool/nice guy, and I really would like to keep in touch with him further, as he kinda tries to keep in touch with me and actually talk to me and such, I feel really bad for being such a slacker to him. Goddamn it I suck.

I've been such a slutbag recently. I never actually thought that word could be used in a literal descriptive sense, but it's highly apt here. Highly. I let a guy borrow my only pen, only because he was kinda cute. He didn't even use it! (granted, neither would I, in that class. If I ever write anything down in that class, it's pencil anyway.) He was drawing with it. His drawings were pretty cool. He drew good birds. Then, I saw the random guy who I think I was about a phone call away from eye-raping last week like three times today. In class, outside library AND walking to station. He even noticed. That was goddamn crazy.

So tired. Feel asleep twice in Philo lecture. Topic: moderately dull. Lecturer: intelligent, but dull. Combine to make: insomnia cure! Yatta! Gah. Feh.

Economics, while a pack of lies, was kinda fun today. I actually prefer the economics of the firm over the economics of the market. It's actually easier to calculate. Cept for price discriminating firms. That thing is fucked. But you can't anyway, thanks to the Trade Practices Act 1974, with amendments. Which I saw today! I was sooooo impressed. I don't even know whether the guy went to sydney uni, but he had Miller's Annotated Trade Practices Act with him!! I was all, ZOMG.

I kid you not. Was actually impressed and excited.

I kinda sorta forgot how much time lectures and stuff actually takes up. It's a significant chunk of time! Considering the number of extra-curricular activities I do at Uni (okay, it's like 4) I completely forgot how much time this all takes. Insane.

My degree is fine! Yayyyy. I talked to the peoples, and surprisingly, got it done quite easily. Can't quite believe that day though. I somehow lost 4 hours just talking to randoms and such. Madness. I'm in! However, I would have rather preferred to have the guy teaching me stats now to continue. He seems much better than what i've heard about ECMT. Unfortunately, the student body doesn't think so.


Courtesy of Bash.

Come to Ozhadou! You know who you are.

Longish post, I haven't really done a longish post in a while. Take it as you will. Night.

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