Wednesday, August 30, 2006


the vagina troll.

Hah. Wimmin.

Anyway, as things go, i'm generally wrong. And that's purely the point; I intend to be wrong in order to point out the foibles, the ironies, the little old hilarities of life. I'm a regular fucking Oscar Wilde. But what really freaks me out is when something said in jest turns out to be true, even partially. I've said on numerous occasions (okay, two) that there was no conceivable way for me to actually get up at 6am, the only way I would actually be awake at 6am would be to stay up that late.

Well then, it's 6.23am. I've done well.

Cadbury lies to you. Goddamnit, if they're (being the corporate they) are going to lie to you, why not make it convincing? All that paper money seems to get you nowhere good, it seems.

God i'm tired. Burgerlicious is less formidable then I thought. I'm going to buy some goddamn lentil soup, if I have the time/physical ability. And I mean that broadly. I have grave fears on whether I will last the next few hours. I know I will, but will I? That's the problem.

The black civil rights game: you never win, you just do a little better each time.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

You're still here?!

Or I lost the internets.

I did. So yeah.

Been busy. Kevin Smith is AWESOME. Guy is a fucking champ. He beat the State Theatre. With a stick.

There's more this realisation that it's impossible to understand people's circumstances, even your own. Sam is cool. I like Sam.

Take me now Joseph Gordon-Levitt. So talented. And yet, so hot. Rock.

I want to meet her cats!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Yeah, but it's a metaphor.


It hailed today! That made me feel better. It hailed like fucking crazy man. I met Tristan again! Yatta. He is both nifty and disappointing? It's weird. Still, I managed to talk to him for about an hour or so, before he went off to programming competition (ROCK!) and I had to go meet Fox (not as rock, but still rock.)

You rock, rock.

I felt awful waking up and going to Uni today. I can't tell right now whether it's seasonal or hormonal or cyclical or something more underlying. It might be all of those. That would be really lame. I can't believe that I kinda got what I was wanting.

Pip hugged me today. Twice! He is tres cool...I'd tap it. I was thinking of not going to Serenity, cause I couldn't be bothered and I was feeling crappy, but it was a gooood idea. Sam was there. As was Pip. Hot Pip. Though really, there is no other kind. A fun time was had.

Gah, things are happening just I don't really want them to happen. Which is stupid to wish I guess. I have Uni work to study for, but there are movies on which I would like to see. Speaking of which, I am Chauvel-ing it (shovel-ing it! Get it!? Get it?!) on Wednesday, as double feature is on! Yayyyyy, details are here. Starts at 7.

Still not feeling all that well. Stuff to do. Complicated, inane stuff. Murakami is fucking great. Damn he's cool. Goooooood night.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Putting the Jew

back in 'judiciary'.

Ah Judge Judy Sheindlin. You're always on my Supreme Court. Bench.

Don't pee on my leg and tell her it's raining!

Good. Just had a run of bad events. I was brushing teeth, wasn't paying too much attention, and accidentally activated my gag reflex. Seriously, if there was one reflex I'd rather not mess with, it would have to be that one. Fuck, it still feels like somebody punched me in the diaphragm.

And i'm talking about the shelf of muscle that runs across the bottom of my ribcage separating my thoracic and abdominal cavities diaphragm, not the urogenital, pelvic or even contraceptive diaphragm.


Then, I broke a glass. It was annoying.

ECMT, ironically, is turning out to be my most interesting class. Not because I find the work that interesting, but more because of the fact that all my other classes are rehashes. Econ is year 12 eco; philo seems to be awful this semester, as for some unforseen reason, we're doing comprehension and literature, as opposed to anything resembling philosophy; political economy is a lefty commune, like a melange of business studies, economics and sociology. Ecmt presents me with ideas I have never really encountered before, and even if they're not that interesting, atleast they're new.

Admittedly, I am failing. Everything. Life.

I have a bunch of decisions to make, and should I bother? I dunno. Sleep for now. Life is a loose end. Today was a nice day in the sun. Ducks should not try and copulate. It was creepy. Night.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I don't trust things with ham in their name

possibly's a sham.

Fucking brilliant. I found my counterpart to that irrational mistrust. Rocks.

So yeah. The gravy train of hormonal shift. I want to leave it. NOW. Fuck, is this how all women feel? ridiculous! The nausea and giddy spells are bad enough, but the random moments of lust?! Wtf!? Did every women have to have blonde hair and white shirts today or something?! Goddamn it, why does everything feel so OVERSTATED!?



Met some awesome people. Seriously, some people can contain rage inside a small, uneffacing body/personality. I heart...a few people I met at teh party. Plus I consumed expensive foods. Some were meat. It didn't make too much sense.

Good gin though! Bombay Sapphire is the shit. Met other people with taste, at least in alcohol. Some of the people I know, jesus, no taste. At all. Margaritas are...nice for the most part.

Doing that thing again. I wish it were the monster mash. It would be cooler. Night.