Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I don't trust things with ham in their name

possibly because...it's a sham.

Fucking brilliant. I found my counterpart to that irrational mistrust. Rocks.

So yeah. The gravy train of hormonal shift. I want to leave it. NOW. Fuck, is this how all women feel? ridiculous! The nausea and giddy spells are bad enough, but the random moments of lust?! Wtf!? Did every women have to have blonde hair and white shirts today or something?! Goddamn it, why does everything feel so OVERSTATED!?



Met some awesome people. Seriously, some people can contain rage inside a small, uneffacing body/personality. I heart...a few people I met at teh party. Plus I consumed expensive foods. Some were meat. It didn't make too much sense.

Good gin though! Bombay Sapphire is the shit. Met other people with taste, at least in alcohol. Some of the people I know, jesus, no taste. At all. Margaritas are...nice for the most part.

Doing that thing again. I wish it were the monster mash. It would be cooler. Night.

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