Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Yeah, but it's a metaphor.


It hailed today! That made me feel better. It hailed like fucking crazy man. I met Tristan again! Yatta. He is both nifty and disappointing? It's weird. Still, I managed to talk to him for about an hour or so, before he went off to programming competition (ROCK!) and I had to go meet Fox (not as rock, but still rock.)

You rock, rock.

I felt awful waking up and going to Uni today. I can't tell right now whether it's seasonal or hormonal or cyclical or something more underlying. It might be all of those. That would be really lame. I can't believe that I kinda got what I was wanting.

Pip hugged me today. Twice! He is tres cool...I'd tap it. I was thinking of not going to Serenity, cause I couldn't be bothered and I was feeling crappy, but it was a gooood idea. Sam was there. As was Pip. Hot Pip. Though really, there is no other kind. A fun time was had.

Gah, things are happening just I don't really want them to happen. Which is stupid to wish I guess. I have Uni work to study for, but there are movies on which I would like to see. Speaking of which, I am Chauvel-ing it (shovel-ing it! Get it!? Get it?!) on Wednesday, as double feature is on! Yayyyyy, details are here. Starts at 7.

Still not feeling all that well. Stuff to do. Complicated, inane stuff. Murakami is fucking great. Damn he's cool. Goooooood night.

1 comment:

Bronsai Watkins said...

double feature of what kind, hmm?

(do you think they would accept payment in the form of fundraising chocolate?)