Monday, January 17, 2005


So it's 5 in the morn, and i'm up reading, and mouthing (would be singing, but you know, my singing sucks) HTTT (2+2=5) to my cat, desperately pleading with her that i'm not the thief and that the sky is not falling in. She's so cute when she's down her on knees.

A bit later, i'm up channel-surfing/WANTING TO FIND CARTOONS I MISS, and I come across MIB: The Cartoon. It's actually a 'decent' cartoon, atleast in terms of cartoonness. It lags off in the later episodes obviously, as all cartoons do. But it was fun nevertheless, even if I've seen this episode before, twice.

I get weird when I don't sleep. My voice gets a little deeper, my head spins very oddly, stuff starts vibrating and I generally get very confusing, even to God. I hate being possessed by that non-entity that is me.

The majority of you will probably like that i'm listening to the Dresden Dolls, and finding them very enjoyable. They're cutting into my Source Tags and Codes time, which I am sure I will regret, with dear consequences. Good Day is a surprisingly good intro.

During my various shenanigans, I finished reading the French Lieutenant's Woman. It's quite good, and very aptly a postmodern sort of text. He ends on a postmodern note, without the unpleasant aftertaste of existential angst so typically attributed to the movement. And his knowledge of Victorian poetry is quite astouding too. Quotes like hell he does, some subtle, others...not quite so.

On a related book theme, reading Chomsky is like reading an exercise in refutation. Sure, I may like the guy, and even agree with him on certain points, but, my god man, concede one fucking thing won't you!? Gah, insane. He has a near strangle-hold grasp of political maneuverings of the States, between, say, the BIRTH OF THE GODDAMN NATION to about today. Half the stuff he says are conspiracy theories, backed up perfectly with evidence. It's ANNOYING. I'm going to check out those footnotes if it kills me.

Anyway, after that's all done and double-checked, I'm going to go play Icewind Dale and finish it if it kills me too. Bye all.

P.S. Finished Chapter Three! Going to start Chapter Four! Means i'm more than halfway through! Whee!

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