Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The english language has more lives than a cat. People have been murdering it for years.

bitch (noun) One of the most common and pervasive insults, origianlly used for both sexes but now reserved for women and, occasionally, used within gay male culture.

Well, she got one thing right, though get rid of the gay and male for us.

(continued) It is one of several derogatory terms linking women with animals - eg chick, bird, cow, shrew - and is so identified as an insult (and often a particularly hate-filled one) that it is rarely used in its original sense of 'female dog'. It is used by women and men, and in fact there are efforts by women to reclaim it as a positive label - The Bitch Manifesto, for example, is a feminist tract from 1970 whose title celebrates strong, rebellious women. Nevertheless, bitch is most often used to describe a women who is considered to be malicious, complaining or spiteful, and its use reinforces negative stereotypes of women. Avoid. See all NAG, SCOLD, SHREW.

Feminism is teh ism to be with, unlike sleepism. That shit is boring. Damn Mitch, stuck in my head. Off to the elsewhere I go now.

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