Wednesday, July 13, 2005

And that was when I realised...

I was eating condiment.

NB: See homemade Sweet Chilli Philly for more details.

Hola amigos/proletariats/former wage slaves! Why yes, it has a been a while since I have communicated in a non-smoke signal sort of way, and it feels good to get back to my binary roots.

In what may or may not cost me my very ability to form word associations, I present to you:

(the square root of) 1011101101101111010110110101101111100011011010101011

In terms of holidays, fairly bad. Abysmal even. But that is okay, as I have been gambling my future on increasing my proficiency dealing with (semi)illegal matters. But that's for the courts to decide. Also gaming. Le fun. Oh Fishhead, how creeped out by thee.

I have had a total of one(1) study days. W00t!

Funny how in the week that I have decided to study decides to be a) Stupidly, stupidly DARK and COLD b) slightly more socially active.

Wait that's not funny.

I gots the internets yesterday! Now maybe I can hope to win an election. Also, in my searching of the internets to satisfy my staggering array of sexual fetish, I came upon a site devoted entirely to torrents of...Chomsky. It was truly surreal.

Oh god. He's old. Note to self: Never pair the phrase sexual fetish with Chomsky.

I'm off to further propogate...ewww, reproduction. Adios muchachos.

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