Friday, July 29, 2005

'Um also, I think your head is, like, your pelvis.'

'Ha ha, very funny. Look, here comes your girlfriend.'
'You shut up pelvis head.'

My house life is getting to the stage that I would trade my house for a buttery puff pastry. Which I bought today. It was delicious.

CLOUSEAU, bitches!

Tension is the source of all life. But where does this tension come from, and what creates it?

In a very interesting and obvious parallel, most humour also comes from tension. So therefore humour is the greatest experience of life possible.

And into an awkward segue.

I really like Star Trek. It has so many things going for it...The focus on stories rather than sci-fi, the ridiculous imaginings of several of the stories, the contrived episode names ("As Loud as a Whisper"? What??)....I think the most hilarious part is how they portray every single goddamn trait of circa 20th Century and before as 'quaint' or 'wonderfully amusing'. They'll make some inane reference to a social more, and then explain it as a Hi-liarious throwback to the previous eras.

Star Trek is the best.

NB: When I say Star Trek, I tend to rather strictly mean TNG (If you didn't know this means The Next Generation...God, go watch TNG.) I have seen others, but TNG, you know, is GOOD. Everything else...too flaky, too one-sidedly gimmicky. I'm looking at you, Janeway (she's in Voyager).

Something or some one fucked up. God, Allah, PepsiCo, Christ, Evolution, friggin even Buddha, somebody, somewhere fucked up and produced humanity.

"Unfortunately, evolution didn't design us to be perfect. It only designed us to always want more."

And equipped us to the teeth it seems.

That is all for my sermon tonight, I'm going to try and get some sleep, Interpol is today! YAY. Screw trials. Night!

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