Thursday, January 05, 2006

One last thing to do before I collapse and die

in a writhing heap on my bed bereft of all but the three higher functions of fold, check/call, and raise.

My god, it's the 5th already. I spent the last couple of days working, I sorta spent the time I was supposed to be resting up for cricket match playing poker and mostly losing. It was damn awesome though! No wonder this game is so addictive. I made 19 grand, then lost it all. To the last penny. Well, they don't call it dollars, so i'm going to revert to the good old economic unit.

Down to the last unit.

I'll cut to the chase: I'm not addicted to the game, the game is addicted to me. Even now, before I could do anything else, it insisted that I open the game, play a hand, then get to work writing this. Crazy, no??

So yeah. I spent 9 to 6.30 today morning playing and losing. Got ready in a shambles for cricket. Breakfast was hilarious. I bought some juice in order to keep myself awake, and this is what it said on the popper:
"MultiV Fruit & Vegetable Juice. Drink it. Feel it." I'll be damned if that wasn't the lamest punchline to a promotion on a product i've ever seen.

The surprise was, the juice itself tasted quite nice. Despite its highly dubious nutritional value (It's a sad day when you can't even trust your juice. Who can you trust? The Government?! The mailman!? The milkman?!!!?!)

NB: IF you have someone or someone(s) purporting to be your milkman, you should be highly suspicious of them. They stopped that shit back in the 60s. For all you know, they could be banging your wife.

Cricket which turned out to be highly, highly entertaining. Seriously. I got to see Richie Benaud both in the flesh and the projection. I'm going to kidnap him and force him to do commentary on my life. Sif not that would be the most interesting project ever. Anyone who disagrees must be a Commie. There.

I saw a cute guy on the train wearing a CCCP bracelet/armband thingy (Do the commies have to exercise in order to wield their nefarious lies? Why commies why?) and a Wolverine shirt. The Wolverine shirt was AWESOME.

The thing is, he wasn't even that cute! My god, was my sleep addled brain such that I would be attracted to someone with even the least amount of vaguely independent popular culture (if you think that's a paradox, go to hell) and hotness would start me palpitating?

The answer to that I'm afraid, is yes. A very emphatic yes. I was also sleep deprived though, a condition for me much like drunkness, cept I'm much cooler. Yes, it does violate laws of nature. But then again, so do you. Think about it.

I've given a valuuuuuable seeeecret, yes, so you use it wisely, much like the Force, or I will come and bring you to the Dark side. I still don't know what that means.

Vegetarianism, much like women's rights, is a luxury.

This is horribly horribly late...lemme check. 8 days. On par with my general punctuality.

I'll just start a fresh one.

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