Friday, January 13, 2006

Where are we going, and why am I in this handbasket?

I love that sentence due to two things: a) The image of someone in a handbasket is adorable, and b) I saw it as someone's sig, and didn't work it till months later. Months. We're talking about a lapse in time where you could have renovated your shack/hovel/house/treehouse.

Damn those Swiss Family Robinson!

I've given some thought to this thing (oh boy, metafictive) and it can't keep up. With me. So much awesome (I mean that as a noun) happens that I am literally unable to catch up. It's insane. Worth it sure, but insane.

I've moved back. The usual wave of depression/apathy was there. I didn't mind. Rode it out, easy. Got distracted re-re-re-re-re?reading Zen. Such a captivating book. Finished watching Naruto up 144. Finished 5 books, of which atleast 3 need to be listed and reviewed. Cat very entertaining. She doesn't like storms. Bought myself a new book. Well, two new, but one i'm happy to spot. I'm proud of both I guess. But pride goes before a fall, so watch out! These books could trip you.

I need to enlighten.

Jon Stewart is a prophet:

Gyms will close, fad binge diets will be all the rage, and singles ads will end in the phrase, "Yes fatties."

Would you like a blowjob after your circumcision? (Granted, the actual story is far more serious than I make it out to be.)

Remember him? Well, he remembers you well. Especially the delicious parts of you.

That would be a hell of a centenary. Most 18s, 21s wouldn't come close to what 100 year old man would be experiencing.

That is all.

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