Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Good tidings

I am inspired due to coffee.

I just made a really good cup of coffee. Nothing fucked up. The shot was good, the milk was fine, just nice. It could have been a little warmer, but it wasn't cold. Gooooood coffee.

I found my phone! Unreasonably good mood.

Finished book 2. Apparently getting monitor today. Have to go change timetabling if possible tomorrow. Fixing leg on thursday.

Also, I got a coffee machine. Woo sale! Thank god we have some decent coffee in my house. It keeps the sanity. Watched Tenenbaums. It was...cool? Low-key, quirky, yet laugh out loud funny. Neither Ben Stiller nor Owen Wilson raised my ire in it. Amazing. Owen Wilson apparently even has a writing credit in it. Jeebus.

"Can you paraphrase it?"
"No, I don't think so."
"Is it dark?"
"Of course it's dark, it's a suicide note."

Going to watch Soylent Green today! Yay hufu!

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