Sunday, July 02, 2006

Rape party!

"Kiri..."[Not actually sure how you spell his name, this is just a guess]
"What? It's a rape party!"

It's always a party with rape!

Ye gods, I haven't felt this good in a long long while; I blame governmental policies. Or hormones. But yeah. I'm not sure whether it's the sex or excessive opulence or the blatant smacking around of my parents, but Oliver's group (though that is a unfortunate miscategorisation that I regret; it's not his group, very egalitarian) is a great group of people that I really want to hang out with more. I haven't met any new people whose company I enjoy, people whom I actually I want to spend effort to hang out with. Uni, as such, hasn't produced enough really cool people whom I want spend lots more time with. It's been disappointing. I mean, the only really cool person so far has been Mia. All the other girls I seem to meet and find interesting are domestics. Freaks you out. There's that other guy whose name I can't remember and think may be strangely attracted to, but i'm not so sure about potential. Interestingly enough, he has a hot rich friend, who was into soccer and supported Argentina. But I never really bothered to follow up on them, know. Not quite interesting enough.

As an aside, I find the whole "getting to know people better" lame. Seems like a poor euphemism for sex. I find staring at them while they sleep to be a better way of getting to way people. Or atleast petty theft.

I've fallen in love with Oliver all over again; in addition to knowing everything about films, the guy plays some mean piano. I mean, in the morning/afternoon, he just kinda casually decides to play the piano; suddenly, he's pounding out this amazing dark piece which apparently he wrote himself. Talented he is. Also, he has the one of the best pianos I've ever heard; really nice, rich sound, incredibly well-tuned. Seriously, we're talking concert hall material here.

Oddly, I think my affection for him is being displaced onto a few friends of his: Tristan is a really nice kid whom I found annoying at first, and ended up talking with till about 4 in the morning, and I think i'm enamoured with him. Just not sure. Kiri [still no idea how to spell the name - ed.] is randomly hilarious (kaio-ken...), underrated and hella chemistrical. Simon I want bad. Stupidly good-looking, interested in politics, knows Jon Stewart. I knew I should I have jumped him then and there. It was rather crazy, cause I first met him at the Grates concert, along with Sam, and didn't really pay that much attention to him initally, because he was a little bit further away, and I was talking to Sam a lot, cause she seemed a lot more approachable. He's kinda quiet and low-key, and oh so very hot. I forgot his name after the concert, and even mentioned him to Oliver, but couldn't provide supporting details. I'm so glad that Oliver made friends with him, it rocks so hard.

In another few hours, going to see Pirates, and i'm reading that Lindy Edwards book. It's by a girl *gasp*. So far, i'm a little meh on it. It's not so much that it's poorly written or anything, just if what she is saying is true, it scares me greatly on the narrowmindedness of governmental policies. Economic rationalism != a better society.

Watching Naruto on Youtube (and another site), this:

"In an unprecendented episode of bad hearing and even worse jokes, Naruto has misheard hoshi(star) as boshi, and added ume to make umeboshi, a dried plum. God help us."

Coming on the back of:

"More like timecops spelling of akedemi, amirite?"

These are both translation jokes. Madness.

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