Saturday, July 15, 2006

Itsa a bunch o' tubes.

Ask Senator Stevens.

Dump truck tube symposium.

Enormous amounts of material clogging Ted Stevens tube. Perhaps some fiber...optic cable might be the answer.

I am literally crying with laughter.

So yeah. School starts like next week...I'm in trouble. Gah, I was finally looking forward to rest up a bit and catch up on my reading, only to find out that I have more in front of me. Not that I didn't expect it or anything, but still, it seems unfairly imposed. I slept a lot. From about 12 to 10, then again from about 10.30 to 1, and couldn't get up. Like, physically, lacked the strength to pull myself up. I just stayed in bed till about 2, then actually got up. Ridiculous, as I went to sleep around 6.30 anyway, and kinda slept intermittently till about 10.30. Still tired. Fuck am I tired. I felt better when I was horribly sleep-deprived.

Just going to Piskorz's felt like a chore. Stressed out standup indeed. Good thing I went late and stayed behind to clean up. It helped. And is it me, or is Pizkorz hotter when you lack sleep? I mean...shit. Damn hot Piskorz and that hot nightrobe thing of his. Take me now Hugh Hefner. Or not. Ewwwwww.

Stressed out though. I gotta work on that. Man, if it was one thing that I learned from my research into abortion (and there were several), is that life is a wicked problem. I still feel I need to sort out my life better and everything, but everytime I start to work on something, it often reveals a larger, more complex thing, which leads on to other things, and so on and so forth. It's a bitch. Getting really apathetic about basic things, like finding my phone and doing the goddamn laundry. Jesus, i'm really losing my patience with that. Family, I can handle...barely. But freaking laundry? I'm going to pass on that.

Reading Farseer. Should that be re-reading? Not sure, as I read first two, and haven't read the third. Love it. Tempted to re-read Liveship, as I have a feeling that was better overall, but this series has something to it that's really addictive. I don't remember enough from Liveship to impose a full judgement on it either, so i'm tempted. Just a random scene about a little girl stirring honey into tea and then setting it down because it was too sweet and then being all satisfied for being all evily. Good scene. We'll see how it goes.

Or should that be 'scene' how it goes?!

I'm tired, it's somehow 5 in the morn, and Nesquik is teh best. It's Nesquik time!

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