Monday, May 12, 2008

Oh Sparky Oh Jet

Quintessential YouTube: a teleology satisfied. I believe the ascension will be complete soon. In other news, why does Slashdot insist on giving me mod points? Just because I'm an awesometastic mod doesn't mean you should. *sigh* back to work...


cherryshine said...

that's just about the dumbest thing i've seen on gootube. and i have tears of laughter in my eyes!

seriously, so dumb. dumb enough to watch twice.

Wojit said...

Oh God, that was cute!


On a completely unrelated note, did you know that the Philosophy Zone recently interviewed Robert Paul Wolff about Philosopical Anarchism? There's a podcast! Somewhere. I'm not going to, like, link to it or anything.

And: Completely off-topic messages are what you get for not having Facebook! Nyah!

rishimon said...

Ewww, gootube.

And actually, I did know Robert Paul Wolff was interviewed on the Philsopher's Zone. Ever-caring Benitez sent an email out about it.

Curse thee Facebook! I have perfectly acceptable alternatives. A face, and a book. But never together.

jared said...


Wojit said...

Whenever I see the name of this post, I think of O Superman (For Massenet). Still, Laurie Anderson is awesome, so that's okay.

She got married to Lou Reed recently. True story. Oh yeah, I'm all about the celebrity gossip.