Friday, October 17, 2008

And coming to you not-so-live


In honour of my really not doing my assignment(s), I present to you a video special!

Because Sesame Street set to hip-hop really is sublime (and quite amusing). Via this.

Donna Brazile isn't moving to the back of the bus. Full video is the bottom one, which is also something I haven't seen, but you can just watch the top one for all its racially goodness.

For something a little more weighty (read: LONG), this. Princeton bitches, so you know, not too shabby.

Princeton economists review recent events on Wall Street and assess the implications for the economy and public policy.

Panelists: Hyun Shin, Professor of Economics and associate chair of the Department of Economics; Markus Brunnermeier, Professor of Economics;
Harrison Hong, Professor in Finance;
Paul Krugman, professor of economics and international affairs; Alan Blinder, Professor of Economics and Public Affairs and co‐director of the Center for Economic Policy Studies.

For the record, haven't actually seen it yet. Have downloaded it though, so will get there to seeing.

And finally, 14 ways to piss off those goddamn vegetarians/passive-aggressivists (kind of a long-winded way of saying lesbians, methinks):

7. Have you ever noticed how sun-dried tomatoes and top-grade peyote look exactly the same? Not a suggestion, really. Just saying.

14. Hepatitis! (Note: This is not technically an appetizer.)

Yes, I understand the somewhat heavy-handed and ham-fisted promotion of the New Yorker here. But what can I say, they publish some good shit.

Back to non-essaying! (Also far too early in the morning.)

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