Tuesday, July 27, 2004

May our bodies remain...

Another painful, stressful day, but it's getting better.

I'm resorting to my unhealthy, unhealthy coping strategies to deal with stuff, but that's the point, they're coping strategies, not long-term solutions.

I had some icecream, had a very nice jar of olives, wanted some more but I didn't have any :(...Oh well, it was probably for the best, I felt kinda sick after it anyway :P

And yeah, about my coping strategies. I'm using comfort foods, music, exercise, art and some of the milder forms of masochism to get through all this, so don't be alarmed if you see mild injuries on me.

I should do a more detailed post explaining what all this really means and what i'm talking about, but I'm gonna try and sleep. It's been my first day in a while that I haven't had stress crippling me entirely, and I'm trying to take advantage of it.

Anyway, if I have time and I can meet you all in person, and you can be bothered to ask me what all this means, I'll be happy to explain a bit further. Otherwise, night. Take care :)

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