Thursday, December 23, 2004

Gradually turning into a nervous lizard.

Whose line owneth.

Having mucho gracias fun fun! I finished reading BNW again, could not believe that I read the entire thing again so quickly...It's not really that well written, just Huxley is uber smart...he used the word scatalogical properly! That is very appealing to the elitist.

Reading The Republic again, for fun and for profit!, and also cause I don't remember enough of it. So many logical loopholes...dammit.

Icecream so delici-ous...

I got my Dendy's card today! Well, really yesterday, cause it's past twelve and all. It's kinda weird, cause I applied for it like less than 2 weeks ago, and also i lost my wallet a few days ago, which contained my Dendy's reciept *ooh, spooky* '

Good to know that integrity, in whatever odd belief still exists, despite the rampant greed and idiocy surrounding the time of year. Ah well. C'est la vie.

Tschuss neko-san!

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