Saturday, January 15, 2005

Well, it's not so much a time it is a dodgeball cannon!

Watched that ep of Sea Lab AGAIN today. It was great.

The time of my birthday has officialy passed, hurrah for that. Thank god it's only once a year.

Spent my birthday mostly as I would want it, still have some misgivings and annoyances that I need to get rid of.

Feeling seriously emo, and had recursive depression bouts through out the day due to the lack of sleep and nutrition. Random Korean Ice-cream (read: NOT Melona), John Safran and ramen helped solve that, respectively.

Tired and sleepy, yet feel like I could keep going...I better not. Night.


Mintie said...

Join the army, join the army!

rishimon said...

Read it.

What, you can think of a better weapon than horny gay men?

I think not.

Mintie said...

horny gay midget men. Really, would you fuck with them?

Case closed