Saturday, September 24, 2005

Work leave

It's not what it sounds like. I'm not taking a break from work, infact, i'm taking a leave in order to work. Yes,I am back to that place you should have never come to.

The past three or so days have consisted or three essential activities: Working, playing the campaign of War3 (perfectly I might add) and reading. I'm reading book called Marching powder, easy read about prison, cocaine, wheelings, dealings, etc. Bolivia seems to be a crazazy sort of place. Nice, even if drags a bit. (How can a factual story about prison and drugs and such drags I don't know, but it does.)

There's also been sleeping and eating and other essentials e.g. AGONISING ABOUT WHAT COURSE TO PICK.

Sleeping in has never been so awesome.

Graduation, I have to admit, was a bit of a blast. I was much too wired that night. It was fun and great though. And why our principal decided to turn our graduation farewell into a stump speech for his impending thrust into politics is beyond me. He could have left us with some memorable words on how to spend our life, but now I will forever make sure our public schools are funded, thus securing Warrens job forever. Damn, he is crafty.

In conclusion, I have one piece of advice: Wash thoroughly.

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