Saturday, December 10, 2005

I've had a shockingly good time

Or so they tell me.

Why do I get that feeling that I'm going to have to visit that therapist in a while from now? Is it because you're watching me...judging me? Why God why?

I won game of Alpha Centauri! By Transcendence no less. In your face God! What you got? (Off to read Beyond Good and Evil now...)

This is my first post in a hella long while, first proper one since schoolies anyway, meaning the book ones don't count. You savvy?

A little note: I'm just back from Anna (possibly a banana; the coroner's still out on that one) so i'm a tiny bit tipsy/imbibed with alcohol/poison. Forgive typos please.

Schoolies was...AWESOME. Seriously, I could not have had a more fun time. Ridiculous. Even the one night where I felt bad and even cried, AWESOME. It was an AWESOME crying incident. Just could not have asked for better. I even got some; my soul is gratifying like that.

I've had this amazingly good run from schoolies till about now; this doesn't mean that the good run has ended. Going out to buy tickets, reading like crazy, watching stuff I like, being free...Fun. Really is. Aw hell, I even went out to a hippie commune thingy. I wish I could have invited you guys. Twas fun. There were breasts! Nekkid ones!

After schoolies, Piscourse's LAN. Seriously, he needs to become...LESS attractive. I kinda/sorta fell in love with him during that LAN, and i'm glad/unhappy I won't see him for the next 4 weeks or so. So so unfair. WHY? It complicates shit, yet, i'm hoping to deal with it. I should, as he is more cool that I thought, and hopefully, he gets something...ANYTHING. Even a plant. It'll help me atleast.

And Fox? Damn, that boy has had much too much an influence on my life as it is. I didn't really get him, then, I did. It makes wayyyyy more sense now. Good or bad? You decide.

Buffy = hot.

Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) + Faith (Eliza Dushku) + we're dancing in that possible lesbian way = WAY HOT.

No, not watching Buffy word porn at all. Nope.

Damn you Joss Whedon!

I am le tired. So I may, I may just go and have a say, 12 hour nap. Fuuuuuuun. Or not, you know. I have to get back to reading like the good little boy boy I am. Cause you know, it is what I do. Rize is good. Watchworthy I guess. Night.

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