Saturday, December 24, 2005

You ain't got the Grapes.

I'll leave you alone to figure that one out.

"Such wild passion. It's going to get you killed."
"Such sane indifference. You're already dead."

Sp pls was nice. Jazz is fun. And loud. And why had no one informed me that Christmas is here? I only realised about 10 mins ago that it was Christmas. My date and time landmarks have kinda changed. The only thing December 24 has meant to me for the past coupla weeks is that the milk expires that day. Also, Christmas Eve sucked for me. Had a great couple of days preceding it; but Eve itself was slightly hungovery and much too hot. I did manage to finish one great book though. And I caught a great movie.

Ok so it wasn't all bad.

But damn, I hate that feeling that I'm running out of things to do. I've finished watching my Buffy, including commentaries and extras; Finished my Reno; and am 8/24 eps into Chrno Crusade, a very nice and watchable show, meaning 8/24 could turn into 21/24 overnight. Goddamn it.

Which is why i'm trying to get into the book scene as such. And moofies. Cause moofies are fun. Did I mention I watched a good one? I miss Piscourse.

My blogging and my general internet presence (as opposed to my spiritual presence, which has grown ever more televangeliy) has become more infrequent, due to my horredous (ab)use of downloading bandwidth. What, it was only like...15 gigs? It's annoying when you spend nearly 54 seconds waiting to log in.

Mmmmm, jelly. I'll sleep after I do reviews, because I have work tomorrie. Yay, I get free movie! One of my brothers friends bought tickets for Chronicles of Narnia on Christmas. I have no idea why I am one of those people, but I'm not one of them reds who agitate. I won't say anything about tie-ins, cept that Jesus sold out. Hardcore.


"Ha ha ha...rassment." Night.

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