Monday, December 19, 2005

What's the most sacred thing to a man?

"Uh, bicycles?"

If you can't guess the source, then you must acquit? No wait, that's OJ.

I like OJ. Orange juice that is.

"First you had OJ, then you had Rodney, and now it's Jonesy!"

I like well made knives. They have that pretty ring to them when you rub them against things, and a well-made knife is a joy to use. It may be the murderous homemaker inside me, but I like chopping things up.

Most namely, something I chopped up was a stiffening product (and still is, in certain circles, i'm guessing...Goddamn Amish). No it was not a hand. It was starch, and the vessel for that starch, potatoes. The stories like this: I come home. I have no food. There are some potatoes. I decide to make mashed potatoes. I start boiling water, only to be interrupted by the walking of dog ritual. Then came back, cooked them, only to notice I lacked butter. And I mean real butter, none of the margarine crap. Actual freaking butter. So off I ran to Woolworths, picked up some butter, then proceeded to further cook my mashed potatoes. The most basic recipe of mashed potatoes ever. Potatoes, milk, butter, salt. Yes, I am a genius.

It was only when I had eaten most of it that I realised I had some wasabi! Granted, this wasabi was a little old, and I could tell this because it started tasting sweet, but wasabi nevertheless. It works really well. The starchy sweetness of the potato is balanced by the wasabi; the potato makes sure you don't get those nauseating headspins when wasabi directly sticks to the roof of you mouth. Or palate, as it is formally called. Screw you Gray's Anatomy, the clitoris don't exist in my book.

Seeing other people was nice, Crosbie must really hate himself. For being white. The UAI is meh. I don't know why Jared was stalking me, and it was a good thing I didn't ask.

Cause he is you know. White.

Still hungry. I finished all of Reno; nearly finished all of my available Buffbuff; have to start on my belated R.O.D. Though I went through one major story arc, got annoyed at the glitchyness and have decided to put it off. Might do a review soon for a book. I really must sleep. But I think I feel an omelette coming. Or maybe even scrambled eggs! Whatever works out. And toast. God so much toast. People do some silly things sometimes.


Did mention how much I hate wastage? But not wasabi. Now I am going to try wasabi with everything. Even camel.

I like cooking more because it isn't that I want to eat good food all the time, but more because it's an experience into itself. I fuck things up major, and allows me to do something I truly excel at: Cleaning. Okay i'm not that good, but i'm taking a correspondence course in it and i'll have my cleaners diploma within months! Weeks even!

Now I am off to think of a suitable honours thesis for that subject. Night.

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