Saturday, April 08, 2006


Schoolwork is hard.

Cannibal isn't. So funny. So awesome. Tempted to buy or download it or something. Catching up on Get your war on. Funny.

"You know, it almost makes me want to vote for Bush. Because what if he totally just cancels the War on Terrorism? What if he's like, "Fuck it-it's not like we're going to win this shit. Let's do something fun with the money. Who wants a pony?" "

"Maybe the Army thought it'd be cool if the Iraqis thirsted for something other than freedom for a few days."
"Yeah. There's nothing like literal thirst to put metaphorical thirst into perspective."

It's a little screwy when I start regarding Uni less as an learning thing and more of a social interaction thing. Seriously, i'm just coming here to find a nice person to marry. Hecs debt isn't like real debt!

You know, i've been thinking a bit about the whole gay thing, and why so many gays are so insular. I've generally put it down to lameness; mind you, people in general tend to rather lame and insular. I kinda sympathatise with that sentiment, atleast with gays; I mean, many straight people cannot comprehend what it's like to have attractions to the same sex, emotionally, physically. The abuse, implicit or explicit, is rather a lot. It creates a self-propogating cycle.

Days and nights blur.

"I am a consumer whore!"
"And how!"

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