Sunday, April 30, 2006


Man am I ever reckless.

Interesting correlation: I am not very good at SOCOM, a game involving stealth and secrecy. I am also horribly, horribly lazy in my attendance for teh school. Coincidence? Not really. And so therefore, recklessness.

I don't know where I went with that one.

Must study. Must not try and make my HSX Portfolio better than it already it is. Though, a good fund shorted The Da Vinci Code. Wonder if that was a good decision. Granted, they're shorting at 223 mill, so good buffer, but still.

I found another probable cause to my sanity. Though i'm sure not sure whether it's a cause or an effect. Is this reinforcing my beliefs, or my beliefs inducing it? I dunno. There's a word for that, and I can't remember it. I want to, though.

I'm at this stage where I think it's a good thing that the voices are only in my head. Is that a good place to be?

I will sleep, and ever so hopefully, study.

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