Monday, March 29, 2004


Ok, considering that I didn't get enough sleep, and me being nervous and edgy the whole damn day, I guess something had to snap. Why did it have to be my brain?

I've only been able to think in monosyllabiac nonsense, such as 'muh fuh guh muh zuh zu?' which roughly translates into, 'Gah ze meh la feh.'

With my mental capacity as to being so low as to have trouble with such minor activities as say, blinking, I look quite odd. Here I am, standing, trying desperately to blink, but never quite reaching there, so I look like my eyes are perenially twitching. In the meantime, I lose control over bodily functions, so I start frothing at the mouth like some rabid beast.

So here I am, looking like some rabid psychotic weirdo, who looks like he's very very lost, and could someone please give him some decent directions back to, well, anywhere.

But seriously folks, rabid psychotic weirdos deserve love too, cause this one knows where you live.

That aside, Utterly brilliant comic

Have a good day all.

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