Sunday, April 18, 2004

Make up your own title.

Yes, I do feel like a bitch.

Day was good/bad, it's very tricky to say. I'm angry at myself for cheating, I should have been confronting issues rather than distracting myself. Too late now I guess. I need to talk to everyone, and I need more therapy.

I mean that. Unless someone can direct me to another therapist, Min-taec, one more session. I have a million things to talk about. I can't do it here, takes too long, and i'll always somehow leave out something crucial.

Coffee/tea was lovely, Brewhaha seems DAMN COOL, really surprised for that. The place is actually utterly brilliant. You missed a lot Min-taec.

And before I forget this, I think I finally realised why Bob is a champ. You fucking rock Bob. I can't emphasise that enough. I don't really care that this might make no sense or in general coherence, but Bob is fucking cool.

Dave Barry *gasp* being serious!

Though except for this bit.

Do you think you're getting funnier now that you're getting older, or do you think it's just funny that you're getting older?


Therapy to do, people to speak to, changes to make. So many different things, so many different people, so many different possibilities, both unpleasant and deliriously happy.

*great big sigh of whatever*

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