Saturday, April 17, 2004

Something a bit more relevant.

Now that i've contributed my share of making you all smarter and cultured and all that, i'll post what I would have normally posted.

I've been feeling increasingly spiritual over the past few weeks. I've started the whole deep questioning of beliefs agains, due to no small part of the fact that spirituality is started to be featured prominently in news again. Spirituality seems to be such an easy way out of things though. Think I've been away from psychology and science for too long.

The thing is, I believe that if you were to commit yourself to a spirituality, you have to do it whole-heartedly. I believe that being spiritual should actually affect the way you live, and would make a difference to your life.

I can never really commit myself, as natural psychology starts undercutting any beliefs I have. Though it is fun knowing like 5 different meditation techniques. Even if I don't use any of them :P

And Bjork is so cool! I love Hunter...It's so crazy fast and yet utterly brilliant. And no, I haven't listened to The Unicorns yet. I'm listening to all my music which I haven't listened to recently, so I don't end up with music I never listen to. And yet, I want to get more music.

And I think I've figured out more on the eating front. See, for most people, eating is a comforting experience. It's routine, simple and usually quite fulfilling. This is why that obesity is been linked to depression. People are stressed about something, consequently eat to comfort self, and this builds up. This also explains the existence of comfort foods.

That's how and why I have both eating problems AND comfort foods. At some point in my life, my mind decided that eating was an generally unpleasant experience, and so consequently eating doesn't actually comfort me; yet certain foods help me feel better. And min-taec, you evil fucker, you've got me addicted to toasteds and strawberry jam. I went insane yesterday, and refused to eat nothing but toasteds and strawberry jam.

What else is there to say. I need to talk to people, i've got school work which I have to START, and where the fuck are all the dreams coming from!? I might talk about that later.

From a sanity-deprived, semi-depressed and overly talkative person, bye.

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