Wednesday, April 28, 2004

No no no no no no....but yes.

I've gone crazy happy.

Not good.

Had quite a good day today, nothing happened...Just a series of unfortunate events. I have to read that series. Lemony Snicket! *laughs at own idiocy*

Me, being the economist I am, have to bring myself down, or i'll bust in a big way. You know, booms and busts and all that shit...ah, what would you people know? *grumbles about all the people who don't know enough about economics and all that useless crap...cept crack and heroin!*


I'll use schoolwork to bring myself down or something. But yeah, it's all cool!

Ah!!! so much music bombarding me from all sides...Head imploding.

I had greek salad today! mmmm greek salad...

enough from me, go and listen to good music!

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