Monday, March 28, 2005

Ah! Big Scary Exams!

Tis true, flee for your lives!

Exams start tomorrow! I am...woefully confused/underprepared. Study is a fickle bitch; even more so when you have to study for two completely unrelated subjects. But after that, stuff calms down a little bit...


It don't. English the next day, where I am horribly flooded with info. Stressing. Woah, I just thought of an analogy comparing my half yearlys to a cyclone!

It goes like this:

The first onslaught is the three big exams quickly; this is the beginning of the storm. It is also the most destructive. Then, afterwards, you have the eye of the storm i.e. 4 day weekend. And then suddenly, you have the rest of the storm in the form of three other exams! And then storm goes away, revealing clear, sunny, holidays. Woo.

I am a literary madman. Or executioner, if the hood fits.

*insert 'urban' joke here*

Need more study! Am off, after a sort of inconsequential long weekend. It was a little packed for my tastes, what with exams and all. C'est la vie little ducklings.

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