Tuesday, April 26, 2005

I spent 9 dollars today

or why I like my local merchants.

It goes like this: I return Chicago (Chicagi to those uneducated types) to the video place. By the way, hella cool movie. Rollicking is the best way to describe. Oh that, and um TITILLATING. Sexy yo. Anyway, I return the moofie, and then pick up first two bebop, as I wanna rewatch the series because I feel like i've missed something. Then I find out the Star Wars II that I reserved is available. I then pick up another bebop in order to fully capitalise my card. So now i've got 14 eps of bebop to watch and a 137 min long movie. In addition to like 4 eps of berserk. Outtakes are still funny.

Then I head on over to local sushi place, which I adore absolutely, due to their RANGE of vegetarian sushi. That's right, range. Not one, not two, But SIX. Mmmm, delicious. In addition to which, as I bought one, the cool dude gave me another at half price! Glee! I feasted upon sushi, then returned home.

Ice-skating was fun! I saw Piscourse. And recieved what I thought was an abnormal amount of hugs. But I don't mind, I like hugs.

Teeheehee. Piscourse. Peesh-course.

I also got a haircut. I swear to God my dad is clinically fucking allergic to long hair. He needs to see a hippie damnit.

And i'm talking about the hot girls in Chicago. There were few if any hot guys in it. Also, quite crazazy that all dancing singing and tapdancing was done by all actors themselves. Trippy.

I must go and do laundry. Tschüss!

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