Saturday, April 30, 2005

I am a sinful, sinful person

I had only three periods today. One a morning period.


The thing is, I didn't go to them. Me nots cares about cross-country. I didn't even goes up to the yabbage. God i'm lazy.

I watched lots of anime in the form of Berserk and Bebop, and realised that the outtakes of Berserk are not to be missed. At All.

Will had a Radiohead shirt on! W00t. I kicked ass in economics. And yet I suck at maths. Why oh why did I give up my quantitative abilities I don't know. I'll need to work on those hardcore for the rest of the year.

And my LIFE. *poignant music starts*

Read this for a tearful heart-tugger.

When ecology strikes!

Nighty-night...I made mashed taters! Do NOT ask me about them. I feel bad enough as it is. I will divulge later, and a bit more if you're up to it. Now I feel like real proper pyjamas that I neglect to wear and some sort of comforting food. Chocolat. To show off my sweet new ümlaut abilities, Tschüss!

Also, I just watched the C'mere video on Rage. Rage roxors! If you missed it, catch the video on the official Interpol site.

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