Saturday, April 16, 2005

...It's really not that important.

15th April, 2005. Something happened today that may or may not have much significance. It is the job of every human being to find out whether there is such a thing as an act of significance.

I forget to wear my bracelet today.

I'm not sure how to feel; I've been so far removed from my feelings that a) I'm not sure how to feel about this and b) how to feel about the fact that i'm so far removed from my feelings.

Ignoring the sticky icky gooey gooey yummy yummy metaphysics of that, the reason why itself may be something as simple as misplacement. That obviously brings up much larger questions as to whether it was just a habit or true emotional attachment.

I'll just let Schlachthaus fünf deal with it and stick it as a date in the fridge of my mind using Post-its, which I will never recycle due to the gum used in them gumming up the recycling. Granted, I really do need to recycle stuff in my brain, but I shall not. It is an endless sinkhole, constantly pumping out methane and sustaining livestock, producing more methane. I shall suffer enourmous climate change, or I can profit greatly, and keep me warm.

Long live recycling.

It is late, I am tired and I have a very quiet day in front of me. I will grab some sleep and you know, ORGANISE. That is a shameful lie which I will try and realise, just in order to confuse you people. Bye BYe.

P.S. I also just realised why my memory has been so shot recently.

P.P.S This, and the above statement, did not require to be expressed in a postscript and postpostscript, respectively. w00t, go the reference that no one will get right now.

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